Did I just heard you right? did you asked why should you apply fertilizers in your maize farm? Well, maybe that's because you haven't read through the factors that increase profitability in maize farming . If you have, then let me walk you through the importance of fertilizer application in maize production, but before then, let me give you a quick introduction of what I experienced last year. Last year, I cultivated lands and grew maize in two different locations. In one of the plot, I applied Fertilizers and in the other I didn't. After 3 - to - 4 days, I noticed that almost every seed grew in the plot where I applied Fertilizers while in the other almost about 30% didn't grow on time. Furthermore, I noticed that there were uniformity in the growth of the maize in the plot with manure/fertilizer because there was a uniform distribution of manure/fertilizer in the entire plot, while in the other there weren't. In fact, many of the maize plants in the plot withou...