Before diving into the different types of poultry farming let us first of all know the meaning of "poultry" itself.
Meaning Of Poultry
Poultry in simple terms refers to the domestication of birds.
This domesticated birds are raised for a number of purpose which includes majorly for: meat and egg production.
Types Of Poultry Farming
The five major types of poultry farming you may want to have the basic knowledge of are as follows:
Chicken Faming
Chicken are reared for both meat and egg production. Some species reared for meat production are: Orpington, Freedom Rangers, Cornish Cross etc; those for eggs production are: Isa Brown, Leghorn, Rhode Island Red, Sussex chicken etc; while dua-purpose breeds are: Plymouth Rock, Orpingtons, Australorps etc.
The rearing of chickens is one of the most common type of poultry farming. As a matter of fact it is assumed by a considerable number of people that chicken farming is the only type of poultry.
Chicken farming is very profitable and as such, it is a type that you may consider setting up.
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Different Types Of Animal Farming system.
Turkey are said to have been originated at about 2,000 years ago, from Central American and Mexico. They are mainly reared for meat production. Turkeys grow bigger than chicken and are a very good source of delicious and healthy meat which is why it is widely raised in countries like Canada, USA and some other European countries as well as other parts of the world.
Guinea pig
They are said to have been originated from Africa and were previously found in the wild before been domesticated. Guinea pigs are reared extensively by most farmers and their meat is said to be more delicious than chicken.
They are reared for both meat and egg production. Though geese lay a considerably very low number of eggs as compared to chickens, they are still a good source of eggs which are usually very large. Their down feathers are also used for making winter clothes and stuffs our pillows.
This type of poultry farming like the geese are also been raised for their meat, eggs and down feathers. Ducks have a wide number of domesticated breeds such as: Upright, skinny varieties known as runners; the meaty-faced, unique Muscovies; and also plumper, swimming breeds that descend from wild Mallards.
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